Dynacord Marine Battery DEM 316 Batterie MODULE 24V 38 Ah User Manual |
DEM 316 Batterie-MODULE 24 V / 38 Ah
DEM 317 Batterie-MODULE 24 V / 65 Ah
Features of the battery modules
— 19 “ drawer-type chassis with 3 HU, 4 HU and 2x4 HU
— Rated voltage 24 V
— Energy storage
completely maintenance-free, universal-location lead batteries with grid plates and fixed electrolyte,
suitable for cycle operation, continuous battery power supply and trickle charge.
— Exhaustive discharge protection relay controlled by DEM 313 charger
— Charging input and battery outputs via AMP flat pin terminals 6.3 x 0.8 mm
charging input and all battery outputs fused.
— Temperature tracking of charging voltage at standby charge depending on the battery temperature
with integrated temperature sensor.
— Batteries with VdS-registration and UL recognition.
— The technical specifications comply with the requirements issued by the “Leistungsgemeinschaft
Beschallungstechnik”, pertaining to the professional association for audio and video technology in
the ZVEI.
1. Emergency power supply of alarm devices
Alarm devices require 2 independent energy sources, both of which must be able to power the alarm
device alone. One of the energy sources must be the general mains supply or a similar network in non-stop
operation. The other must be part of the apparatus (e.g. a battery) or an equivalent network fused
separately. If the mains power supply is interrupted, the second source of energy must guarantee constant
non-stop operation automatically and without interruption. If the energy source belonging to the alarm
device consists of a battery, the user must ensure that the batteries used are suitable for stationary and
floating operation. The power supply for alarm devices must not be used to supply other apparatus or
parts. However, electrical equipment which serves to pass on messages may also be powered by the
said source. An automatic charging device is required to charge and maintain the battery. It must be able
to charge a battery which is discharged to its discharge voltage up to 80% max. of its rated capacity within
24 hours. The battery capacity must be sufficient to guarantee the fixed alarm duration at the end of the
stored energy time. When selecting new batteries, the user should make sure that their capacity is
sufficient to compensate the capacity loss due to natural ageing of the batteries during the prescribed
service life.
2. Commissioning the battery module
2.1 Battery module DEM 316/DEM 317
The following points must be observed:
— The battery may only be connected to the charging apparatus without load (i.e. all types of
consumers must be disconnected) and when the mains is switched OFF.
— The battery must be charged directly after discharging. The battery must not be left uncharged. It
becomes impossible to maintain a charge if the battery is left uncharged for any length of time.
— Please ensure that the temperature inside the rack is always within the admissible temperature
range specified in the data sheet.
2.2 Battery module DEM 317 A and DEM 317 B
The following points must be observed:
— The insulated screw terminals on the rear side of the battery module DEM 317 are directly
connected to the battery poles and are live.
— Before removing the insulating caps, all the connections of the battery modules DEM 317A and
DEM 317B are to be disconnected.
— When connecting the cables, the insulating caps on the battery poles should never be removed at
the same time because this could cause a short. After the cables have been connected they should
be replaced immediately.
— The cables between the battery modules DEM 317A and DEM 317B connect the pole B+ with B+,
M with M and B- with B-. When connecting the cables, the lock washer is to be mounted between
the cable lug and the nut to secure the screw.
2.3 Fusing the inputs and outputs
The batteries have individually fused outputs for the load connections. Thus all plus and minus lines are
protected against excess currect and short. Different line cross-sections for consumers with low and high
current can be connected to a battery at the same time, providing that the fuse values of their individual
outputs are chosen accordingly. The maximum value of the fuses must not, however, exceed 20 A.
The total amount of the currents of all the output fuses in a fuse block must not exceed 50 A.
If the fuse values are changed, the current values printed on the units above the fuse switch are to be
covered with the enclosed sticky labels. The fuse values for the appropriate plus and minus outputs must
always be the same.
If any outputs are not used, the fuses are to be removed and and fuse values above the fuse switches
are to be covered over with the enclosed blank sticky labels.
The output secured with 3 A is intended for connection of the control module DEM 207.
The cross-sections of the lines connected must be correctly dimensioned for the fuse value
selected. Please note that lines laid in cable channels have a lower permissible current loading due to
lower heat dissipation.
The following are guidelines for bundled lines
Number of lines
Reduction factor
2 to 5
6 to 15
16 to 30
Current consumption at Ebat = 24 V
Module type
-10 dB wert
rated power
rated power
Fuse value
DEM 287 power amp. 125 W
DEM 288 power amp. 250 W
DEM 289 power amp. 400 W
with NRS 90 144
10 mA
10 mA
10 mA
2.5 A
3.5 A
7 A
5.7 A
10.6 A
19.7 A
7.5 A
10 A
20 A
Table I Fuse values of the battery outputs for connection of power amplifiers
Table II shows the maximum currents which can be drawn from the batteries. These must not be exceeded.
This gives the maximum number of power amplifiers which can be powered by the batteries.
I max
in A
max. number of power amplifiers*
DEM 287
DEM 288
DEM 289
DEM 316
DEM 317
Table II Maximum currents and number of power amplifiers
* The number of power amplifiers which can be directly connected to the battery drawers can be lower
than the values specified in Table II (see number of outputs, section 8, specifications). The values specified
in the Table only refer to the connection of one amplifier type to one battery type. As long as the maximum
current drawn is observed, however, various types of amplifier can be supplied by one type of battery.
Circuit diagram of the battery connection to the charging device.
2.4. BATTERY CONTROL connection
The battery drawers are equipped with a exhaustive discharge protection which is controlled by the
monitoring module in the charging device DEM 313. The monitoring circuit checks whether the battery’s
discharge voltage has been reached when the batteries are discharged. If the battery voltage is less than
19.5 V, measured at the battery poles, the consumers are disconnected from the battery and the battery
is thus reliably protected from exhaustive discharge.
If the 15-pole plug connector BATTERY CONTROL has not been correctly connected with
the charging device, or if the battery voltage is lower than the discharge voltage, the battery
outputs are not live
The connection of the temperature sensor for the temperature tracking of the battery voltage takes place
via contact 5 (+temp) and contact 6 (-temp) of the 15-pole plug connector BATTERY CONTROL to the
charging device DEM 313. If the connection is faulty, the temperature tracking does not work and the
battery will not charged. (Also see the operating instructions for the charging device).
In the case of the battery module DEM 317, the temperature sensor is located in the module DEM 317A.
2.5 Connection for battery charging
Connection of the charging device to the battery takes place via the flat pin connector CHARGE
CURRENT. The plus pole of the charging device is to be connected to the plus pole of the battery, and
the minus pole of the charging device is to be connected to the minus pole of the battery. (Please also
see the operating instructions of the charging devices).
3. Notes for the user
3.1 Use of the battery is to be avoided in the following locations.
— areas exposed to direct sunlight
— areas with excessive radioactivity, infrared radiation or ultra-violet radiation
— areas with organic solvent vapours, dust, salt or corrosive gases
— areas with abnormal vibration.
3.2 Regulations for battery use
— Do not throw batteries into the fire. Do not place batteries in the proximity of fires.
— Do not short battery poles.
— Do not tamper with or open batteries.
— If the battery has been damaged and diluted sulphuric acid comes into contact with skin or clothing,
rinse immediately with plenty of water. If diluted sulphuric acid gets into the eyes, consult a doctor
— Always re-charge a battery after discharging.
— Never use batteries with different capacities, different degree of discharge or a mixture of old and
new batteries together. The manufacturing dates should be within one month of each other.
— Batteries should be stored at as low a temperature as possible. If batteries are stored at normal
temperatures, additional charging is necessary once every six months.
3.3 Storage and additional charging
During storage the capacity is reduced due to self-discharge. The battery should be stored in a cool, dry
If the average monthly temperature is between 20°C and 30°C, one additional charging procedure is
necessary every 8 months. If the average monthly temperature is less than 20°C, one additional charging
procedure is necessary every 12 months.
If a stored battery is used, one charging procedure should always be carried out before use.
3.4 Transport
If the battery is transported, it should never be exposed to excessive jolting or knocks.
If a battery is connected to a device during transport, it must be secured well and the current circuit must
be interuppted.
3.5 Battery service life
Generally speaking, the battery service life in standy parallel operation amounts to 3 - 5 years and
approximately 260 cycles at 100% discharge depth or more in cyclic operation. The actual service life is
reduced if the appropriate operating conditions are not maintained, (i.e. charging, discharging, working
temperature and storage).
We recommend charging the battery at an ambient temperature of between 5°C and 35°C to minimize
detrimental effects on its service life.
3.6 Battery recycling
The batteries are marked with a recycling symbol as illustrated below. At the end of their service life, the
batteries should be returned to the manufacturer or supplier or taken to a special collection centre so that
they can be recycled.
4. Registrations and Standards
— VdS registration
The batteries have been tested and recognized by the VdS (Verband der Sachversicherer) and
comply with the following standards:
DIN 57 510 / VDE 0510 Akkumulatoren und Batterien, ortsfeste Batterien
DIN 43 534 “Wartungsfreie” verschlossene Akkumulatoren mit festgelegtem Elektrolyt
DIN 43 539 part 5 Prfungen “wartungsfreie” verschlossene Akkumulatoren mit festgelegtem
— UL approval
The batteries have received recognition from the Underwriters Laboratories Inc. and have been
registered under the number MH 15705.
— IATA classification
The batteries have been cleared by the International Air Transport Association (IATA) for transport
in aircrafts and have received the classification “leak-proof”.
5. Testing and inspecting alarm devices
In order to gurantee that the alarm device is in working condition, qualified personnel must carry out
inspections and servicing regularly.
Inspections must be carried out at least once every 3 months at approximately equal intervals to comply
with DIN VDE 0833 part 1.
Servicing must be carried out at least once per year, in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
The annual services may be linked with the quarterly inspections if so desired, meaning that all sections
of the apparatus are inspected within one year.
For the battery of an alarm device this means:
quarterly tests and annual malfunction simulations of the operating duration with the consumers.
We recommend carrying out the battery capacity test in accordance with DIN 43 539 part 1, whereby the
battery manufacturer’s instructions are to be observed.
Please see section 3.2 for instructions on how to treat maintenance-free lead accus.
7. Explanation of terms:
— Continuous battery power supply
In this mode, the battery is constantly kept in full charge. It only gives off current if the DC source,
supplied by the mains, fails.
— Nominal capacity:
The nominal capacity is the value in ampere-hours for a 20-hour even, uninterrupted discharge
with I20 up to the discharge voltage of 1.75 V/cell at a temperature of 22°C.
— Capacity:
The capacity of a battery is the amount of electricity which can be extracted under the conditions
in question. It depends on the discharge current, the discharge voltage and the temperature.
— Service life
For batteries in alarm apparatus and emergency announcing systems, the end of a battery’s servive
life is reached when the capacity is less than 80% of the rated capacity.
— Stored energy time
This is the time span between recognizing a failure in the mains supply and remedying this
— Alarm duration
The alarm duration is the time during which the alarm signal is given off.
— Emergency announcement duration
This is the time during which announcements are made to clear the building or section of a
8. Specifications battery modules
DEM 316
24 V
DEM 317
24 V
Nominal voltage
Discharge voltage at 25°C (1)
19,5 V
19,5 V
Nominal capacity for 20 hr
38 Ah
1.9 A
65 Ah
Nominal discharge current I20
3.25 A
Capacity for 5 hr (2)
Capacity for 1 hr (3)
Capacity for 1 C (4)
33 Ah
23 Ah
20 Ah
55 Ah
39 Ah
33 Ah
Discharge current for 5 hr (2)
Discharge current for 1 hr (3)
Discharge current for 1 hr (4)
6.6 A
23 A
38 A
11 A
39 A
65 A
Max. discharge current
100 A
150 A
Standby current at mains failurel
200 mA
300 mA
Number of outputs
Innenwiderstand für 7.5 A Ausgang
ca.50 mOhm
27.3 V
ca. 50 mOhm
27.3 V
End-of-charge voltage in standby operation at 20 °C
(Continuous battery power supply)
Temperature adaption
Nominal charging current
Dimensions (W x D)
-40 mV/°C
4 A
-40 mV/°C
4 A
483 mm x 370 mm
178 mm
36.1 kg
2x178 mm
30.0 kg (A)
30.5 kg (B)
Weight approx.
(1) Discharge voltage at 25°C: 1.75 V/cell x 12 cells = 21.0 V
(2) Capacity at 5 hours discharge with discharge current for 5 hr
(3) Capacity at 1 hour discharge with discharge current for 1 hr
(4) Capacity at discharge with the current in A corresponding with the nominal capacity in Ah
Block diagram
DEM 316
DEM 317A
DEM 317B
Das Werk leistet Garantie für alle nachweis-
baren Material- und Fertigungsfehler für die
Dauer von 36 Monaten ab Verkauf. Garan-
tieleistungen werden nur dann anerkannt,
wenn gültige, d.h. vollständig ausgefüllte
Garantieunterlagen vorliegen. Von der Ga-
rantie ausgenommen sind alle Schäden,
die durch falsche oder unsachgemäße Be-
dienung verursacht werden. Bei Fremdein-
griffen oder eigenmächtigen Änderungen
erlischt jeder Garantieanspruch.
The factory grants warranty covering all ve-
rifiable material and manufacturing faults for
a period of 36 months after purchase. War-
ranty claims will only be upheld if valid, i.e.
fully completed warranty forms, are submit-
ted. This warranty shall not cover damage
caused by incorrect or improper operation.
Any claim to warranty shall become null and
void in the event of modifications to the
equipment being made by third parties or the
purchaser himself.
GmbH • Hirschberger Ring 45 • 94315 Straubing •Telefon (09421) 706-0 •Telefax (09421) 706-265
Änderungen vorbehalten. Subject to change without prior notice. Printed in Germany 29. 03. 1999 / 347 030
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